The land where The Courtyards now stands was originally developed by Walter Luther Dodge, who made his fortune in the patent medicine business and retired to Southern California. The Dodge house was designed by noted architect Irving Gill in 1914 and completed in 1916. It was sold in 1924 and condemned by the Los Angeles High School District in 1939 over the objections of the owner. A subsequent survey revealed there was no need for an additional high school and the land was transferred to the Junior College District.
The house was used as a household services branch of the school system. In 1962-63, some Fairfax High School Adult classes were held on the property. However, in 1963 the Board of Education declared the property surplus. After that time the live-in caretaker opened the house to tours by students of architecture.
Although considered architecturally precious, the house was demolished in 1970. According to apocryphal sources this was done without approval by the new owner in order to build the Kings Country Apartments. The apartments were converted to condominiums in 1985 and The Courtyards was born.