May 2022

Good afternoon-

May 2022 is here and spring is in full bloom and summer is just around the corner. We want to wish each and everyone’s mother a Happy Mother’s Day! Happy birthday wishes to everyone celebrating this month. We have a busy schedule this month around the property so let’s get updated on the happenings in our community.


  • Upcoming  Board of Directors Meeting-  NEW

The next Open Session Board of Directors Meeting will take place on WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 2022 at 7:00 pm. The site and method will be determined. Please look for postings and emails for updates.

  • New Laundry Machines- UPDATE

The new laundry machines are in and seem to be working out great. The new app is amazing and efficient. If you need a new card please come by the office. I also have the refund envelope to send in to WASH to get  your money back from the old card. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me directly .

  • SB 326 Balcony Inspection- UPDATE

We will be rescheduling all units that missed the appointment dates in June. Unfortunately, more than 20+ units will need to inspected due to the missed appointment dates. Many folks were out of town. Once again, Structural Engineer, Mr. Joseph Liu (P.E. License C60045) along with management will be inspecting all balconies of units that are elevated for structural integrity. The majority of the units that will be inspected are 2nd floor units and 1st floor units that are not at ground level. As you may know, over the last two (2) years we have repaired/retrofitted a few balconies that were visibly compromised structurally. California SB326 mandates that this action is taken by HOA’s. Our compliance to this measure is indicative of the Board of Directors commitment to fortifying the structural components of the property. Management will notify each unit on the inspection list via email starting April 4th for scheduling, please see the dates below. If you have any questions, please contact me directly at We thank you in advance for your cooperation and apologize for any inconvenience.

  • New Committee for Reserve Study Projects- NEW

The Board is looking for volunteers to start a committee to work on Reserve Study projects. If you are interested in working with your fellow homeowners to address capital projects that impact the property please contact me at

  • New Community Website- REMINDER

The new web page is up at . It is the one stop shop for the monthly newsletter, submitting remodeling applications, maintenance requests, and much more.

Parking Space Storage REMINDER   

Please be sure that all items are inside of your storage unit(s) and not outside of or adjacent to the unit(s). If you currently do not have a storage unit Management kindly asks that you remove all items immediately and look to attain a community approved storage unit as soon as possible. Please be sure to attend to your parking space if you currently have items stored outside of the storage unit it is unsightly and encourages theft. Our maintenance staff will remove old boxes, trash and any items that look to be discarded from parking spaces this month. If you are looking to keep any items, PLEASE move them inside your respective storage shed right away.

Security REMINDER    

Please do your part in deterring crime at our property by taking an extra 30 seconds when driving in and out of the garage areas and letting the gate close completely prior to driving off. This key practice will stop a would-be thief from casually walking into our property. Please remember to lock your vehicles at all times. Should you have a storage shed be sure to check the lock(s) for damage or tampering. You are urged to not store items of significant value within the shed as they too can be targets for theft. If you witness any suspicious activity please call the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Department at 323.650.4142.

  •      Homeowner Insurance Policy REMINDER

Please be reminded to forward your homeowner liability insurance renewals to Management. Last year we had over 90% of homeowners forward their information (which is a mandate in the CC& R’s) and we thank you all. I will forward reminders throughout the upcoming months both individually and publicly through the monthly newsletters. All policies can be forwarded via email to .  

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